I am in an abusive (psychological abuse) relationship - my sambo has been attending Kriscentrum, I do too for support.
We have decided to separate and it is being really difficult as he cannot control his anger, so it is very difficult to agree on things. I am worried about the 2 kids we have in common and how will they be affected. Right now he is still living at home. I have noone other than my therapist at Kriscentrum and a previous psychologist I saw Mödra- och barnhälsovårdsmottagning and we still have contact ad-hoc.
I do not need economic support, but I need help for me and my kids to go through the separation in the best way possible. Where can I turn to? In kriscentrum they have told me that statistically aggressions are the worst during a separation and I should look mostly for my kids and my safety.
What kind of help / support (not money) can I get? I am not sure what I am after, but anything that can ease this transition will be of help.
Thanks. Best regards.