Can I count on financial support?

Good afternoon! I am a citizen of a third country with a residence permit in Sweden, I am in the process of divorcing my spouse, and I am also in the process of investigating a criminal case of domestic violence. I am currently living in a shelter provided by the shelter. I've already found a job, it's a permanent contract, but it's not an hourly job. At the end of the month, my salary will not exceed 2500 crowns. Can I count on some kind of financial support now because I bear the necessary expenses for transportation, food, insurance, medicine, mobile communications and the Internet.

2024-12-19 11:13

Good morning!

I’m having some trouble being sure about your question, but I gather that you are the victim of domestic violence, and now you are staying at a shelter.

First, congratulations on breaking free! It’s a huge step, and not an easy one!

You say you have a job, that is not hourly. In Sweden generally you get paid the same month if your salary is monthly. I.E if you work on an hourly job in November, you get your salary in December, but if you have permanent employment and get paid monthly, you get your salary in November.

You can apply for financial support at your social services office, it's called försörjningsstöd. You apply by contacting ekonomimottaget. They then make an assessment of your situation overall and make a decision whether or not you need financial support from them. In Malmö their number is 040-34 59 69.

We wish you the best of luck forward!

Best regards,
