Studernede from denmark - bachelor project (english)

Hi we are 4 students from Denmark, Professionhøjskolen Absalon (pædagog)

In our projects about socialwork with young adults with special and socials needs. We have been calling and writen to many of the workplaces that work arround HVB, but we need the help to place a meeting. The projects works arround the bridges and workprograms in between Sweden and Denmark. It is also needed for making an physical obsevation in our project. We would also ask varible questions surrounding our project.

Can you help us?

Best regards
Joe, Sarah, Julie and Isabella

2024-11-06 13:03


Ert projekt låter intressant! Som vi förstår letar ni efter professionella att intervjua och en plats där ni kan göra en observation.

Vi rekommenderar att ni ringer till Malmö stads Kontaktcenter och frågar om de kan hjälpa er med vem ni ska kontakta.

Kontaktcenter, tel: 0046 40341000

